With reference to Indian Nursing Council Circular no. F. No.22-10/2015-INC(AR) dated 22 May 2015 an Anti
Ragging Cell has been established to ensure "Ragging Free Zone" as per the guideline of the INC.
Following measures has been taken:
- 1. Taking Anti-ragging undertakings in the form of affidavits duly attested by the selected students and the other by the parent/guardian ofthe selected students at the time of admission to the institution.
- 2. Form Committees for curbing ragging such as Discipline Committee, Anti-ragging Committee etc. to assist college authorities on menace of ragging.
- 3. Form Anti -ragging squads to conduct regular and surprise checks all around the campus, hostel, class-rooms and other places vulnerable to incidents of ragging.
Ragging is a cognizable offence under the law and the punishment to be meted out have to be exemplary and justifiably harsh to act asa deterrent.
It may include:-
As per the Supreme Court Judgment on ragging in the Colleges, the following actions will be taken on those Students who indulge in ragging :-
1) Withholding of Scholarships
2) Fellowships/ Results
3) Debarring from Representation in Events and Appearing for tests/ examinations and also consequent
admission to any other Institution
4) Withdrawing Benefits like Travel Concessions and Campus selections Suspension or
5) Expulsion from Hostel or Mess and also Attending Classes
5) Cancellation of Admission or Rustication from the Institution
6) Liabilityto payfine upto Rs.2.5 Lakhs
7) Imprisonment upto IOyears
8) Registration of FIR against the accused and Prosecution under the Indian Penal code,1860
National Anti-Ragging Helpline 1800-1805522 (Toll Free)
Email: helpline@antiragging.in
Ask's website (amanmovement.org emailzkachrooraj@gmail.com)
UGC's website (ugc.ac.in) Email: raggingcell@yahoo.cin